Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Litterae Graecae et Latinae, Anglice "Fonts" Vocatae

Hic exemplum ex alio loco translatum scribo ut vos, lectores mei, discatis quomodo in computatro longas syllabas in Latina et Graecas litteras cum notis minoribus (Anglice, "accents and breathing marks") monstretis:

Si tibi MAC OS X est:
(ex Magistrae G. pagina,
  1. Click on the System Preferences Application (The one with the light switch).
  2. Click on International.
  3. Click on the Input Menu tab.
  4. Scroll down and check the "U.S. Extended" box.
  5. Make sure the "Show Input menu in menu bar" box is checked.
  6. Go to the upper right hand corner of your screen. If there is a U.S. flag there with a little black thingy, you are done. If not, click on the U.S. flag and select U.S. Extended.
  7. To make a macron, press Option (alt) and then, while still holding it, press the "a" key.
  8. Type the vowel you want to put a macron over.
  9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to make macrons.

Si tibi Fenestrae (i.e. "Windows") sunt:
  1. Download and install the Maori keyboard driver.
  2. Go to Start->Settings->Control Panel
  3. Click Switch to Classic View on the upper region of the blue bar.
  4. Click Regional and Language Options.
  5. Click on the Languages tab.
  6. Click the Details button.
  7. Click Add button.
  8. In the Language box, select English (United States)
  9. In the Keyboard Layout box select Maori.
  10. Click OK.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Restart your computer.
  14. Type `, then the vowel.
  15. It will produce the vowel and the macron.
  16. Repeat 15 and 16 for each vowel.
Aut utere hoc tardiore modo:
  1. Click on Start.
  2. Click Run.
  3. Type charmap.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. Scroll to the vowel with macron you want.
  6. Click on it.
  7. Click Copy.
  8. Paste it into the wiki or word or whatever.
  9. Do this for each macronned vowel.
Si tantum Verbo (MS Word) uti vis, hoc modo longas syllabas facere potest.
  1. Muta litteras in "Palatino Linotype font" aut in alium "Unicode-compatible font".
  2. Pelle (Anglice, "Click on") "Insert".
  3. Pelle "Symbol".
  4. Curre per ordines litterarum et signorum; reperi vocalem litteram cum longa nota (i.e. ā, ē)
  5. Pelle hanc litteram.
  6. Pelle "Shortcut Key".
  7. Pelle quidvis ut sit novum "Shortcut Key" (i.e. Ctrl-e pro "ē", Ctrl-shift-e pro "Ē").
  8. Pelle "Assign".
  9. Pelle "Close".
  10. Pelle "Close."
  11. Fac iterum actiones II usque ad X pro quaque vocali.
Loci TTT (Anglice "WWW"), ubi Latinas et Graecas litteras reperias: (Old TTF for Windows with built in macrons) (unicode fonts for Greek and Latin) (Macrons in HTML)

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